The Jakarta Offshore Sailing Club

Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting 2007

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Minutes Meeting 26 January 2007

Venue:  the Theo Bakker residence (many thanks for the delicious cheese and wine)

Present:  Theo, Thierry, Genevieve, Tim, Philip

Apologies: Tom, Andrew

The meeting of the 2007 JOSC Committee was called to order at 08:05 pm WIB by the Commodore.

1.      Minutes of AGM approved with the following note:

§         Minutes should mention who is responsible for further action on a particular resolution

2.      2007 Committee responsibilities

§         Thierry : Commodore, treasurer, Webmaster and Yahoo group moderator

§         Tom: Vice Commodore

§         Genevieve: membership secretary

§         Theo: social secretary

§         Andrew, Tim and Tom: Race Officers, other sailing events scheduling

§         Philip: Club secretary

§         Mathew to be asked to act as advisor/stand in on an occasional basis

3.   Racing and Other Events

§         Tentative calendar dates suggested by Mathew at AGM were adjusted after some discussion and a new 2007 calendar including full moons and island events/cruises/races will be published by Tim.

§         Race results Handicaps should rather be expressed not by a number that we use to divide the times of the boats but preferably a number to multiply. This will make it easier for people to guess rapidly after a race what the outcome is. In the transition period both will be  

§         How to boost participation in general and ensure at least 3 boats contest races?  After much lively and imaginative discussion the following measures were agreed to:

-          circulate the race calendar to boat owners and ask for feedback

-          new rule: two boats to be sufficient for a race but handicaps will not be adjusted

-          If three or more yachts compete, handicaps will be recalculated

-          Every attempt will be made to adhere to the calendar

-          Boat owners will be contacted, reminded and asked for confirmation at the beginning of each month by the Racing Committee.

-          Boat owners should try to find alternative crew to sail the boat in case the normal skipper is away.

-          Two weeks prior to each race a reminder will be sent out via the new mail group along with the announcement of the pre–race social at the Eastern Promise.

-          Sponsors will be sought for each race to provide motivation for race-by-race participation by those who may lose interest if they cannot participate often enough in a series.        Sponsors will be offered a banner on the front page of the website, a “sponsored by…â€